Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The Value We Place On The Old

Former head of the Benefits Agency, Lord Bichard, has suggested that retired people should be encouraged to do community work such as caring for the ‘very old’ or face losing some of their pension. He went on to suggest older people were a ‘negative burden on the State’. (See main article: BBC News).

Slightly to the right of Genghis Kahn, Lord Bichard’s remarks are ill thought through. Many older people already work voluntarily. A lot of charities depend on them. To suggest that benefits should be lost for those that are not working in retirement seems to miss the fact that individuals have worked a lifetime for their pension and paid taxes for their benefits.

To suggest that older people are a ‘negative burden’ is ageist and extreme. I’m sure there are some who may not deserve the State benefits they enjoy but to target those in retirement is perverse and unworthy of a country that owes so much to the generations that have gone before us.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Bigger, Bulkier…. And less in it? The New Look Professional Pensions

Professional Pensions magazine has undergone a design change. Less a newspaper, more a magazine now I’d say. A bold front cover in a magazine style. A couple of pages of weekly news in a format that looks to have been borrowed from Pensions Insight. And a ‘numbers’ feature that leans heavily on a Times idea.

My distress at the new design is not how it looks but what is in it. Page after page of lengthy articles. Much of it ‘old news’. When will we all have time to read this stuff? That’s assuming Professional Pensions stays as a weekly. It looks more like a monthly now.

But don’t fear, help is at hand… (dramatic music helpful at this point)…. Grumpy Old Pension Men has gone on to YouTube. Everyone can access it. Everyone can comment on it. A short five to eight minute weekly TV digest of pensions news, provided in a slightly provocative manner with a good dose of grumpiness.

Go on, you know you want to….. LINK TO GOPM