Correspondent: ‘Hello. Is that the Incisive Media graphics
Graphics Department: ‘Yea.’
C: ‘Oh. Well. Erm, a bit of a rush job. You see I have to
fill two pages of the next issue of Professional
Pensions, but, well, the article is only a page at the most.’
GD: ‘Yea.’
C: ‘It’s a feature. You know. One of the bits we try and
fill the magazine with. When we’re a bit short of news.’
GD: ‘Yea.’
C: So, can you help? I need a couple of big pictures to fill
the gaps. Kind of half a page each.’
GD: ‘Yea.’
C: ‘Great. The article is on where multi-asset managers
invest. So there is reference to US treasury bonds. And to emerging economies.
Does that help?’
GD: ‘Yea.’
C: ‘Great. But try not to just use pretty pictures. OK?’
GD: ‘Oh.’
C: ‘I mean, avoid the Taj Mahal when you’re portraying an
emerging economy. You’ve done that quite a bit.’
GD: ‘Avoid the Taj Mahal pictures. Erm. Okay. That was what I was thinking though.’
C: Well think again. We go to press tonight so I will have to
trust you….’
C: ‘Hello, graphics department?’
GD: ‘Yea.’
C: ‘I thought we agreed to no pretty pictures? But for the
US government bonds section, you’ve used the US treasury building.’
GD: ‘Yea.’
C: ‘And for the emerging economy picture, you’ve used the
Golden Temple.’
GD: ‘It’s not the Taj Mahal.’
C: ‘Well at least the article is buried in the middle of the
magazine. No one will notice the awfully trite pictures.
GD: ‘Oh dear.’
C: ‘What?’
GD: ‘Er. Well…. We copied the Golden Temple onto the front
cover as well…’
C: *Sigh*. ‘No one will notice….’